Walking the Talk: How to Learn the Art of Aligning Words and Actions

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Words have power, but actions truly define who we are.

How often have you admired others and said, “How can I be like them?”  The individual speaks well, has poise, and has a list of accomplishments.  You wonder, how do they do it?  Could I ever be like them?

Rejoice! Yes, you can!

No matter your profession, role, or current standing in life, you are a leader.  You can effect change, help humanity, and gain the admiration of others.  You begin by employing four key actions.

Understand the Power of Consistency

You’ve heard it said of others some time in your life, “He is so wishy-washy!”  These are the individuals that say one thing but do something else.  You find yourself wondering what they are going to be doing differently this time.  And most importantly, you discover that they never accomplish anything.

This is not you.

Do you find yourself struggling with what you do and saying something different? One step is to take time for self-reflection—or, as some say, look at yourself in the mirror.  

Now, examine what you are saying to others: your boss, co-workers, peers, friends, and family.  You may have lofty goals, but keep them to yourself.  Only say to others what you know you will do and can do.  

Do you want to change what you do? That is grand, but again, be mindful of what you are doing and make sure your actions are consistent with it.

Your words are aligning with your actions now. 

Defining Your Values and Principles

Think of your values and principles as a compass for your actions. They chart your course, including your actions, what you say to others, and how you relate to others.

“Know thyself,” a famous quote attributed to Socrates.  When travelers visited the temple of Apollo at Delphi, they were met with the inscription, “Know Thyself.”  Socrates found that people did not know what they were talking about. This ignorance was derived from lacking self-knowledge.

When you understand, cultivate, and nurture your soul, you can gain knowledge of the world around you.  You learn and observe the world’s values, objects, and other people. 

“If you don’t stand for something, you’ll fall for anything.”  It is unclear who this quote is attributed to; some say it is Alexander Hamilton.  The point is this: what do you stand for?

Take time to reflect on your values, principles, beliefs, mission, and goals. Then, act on them consistently. There is no more time to waiver or be unsettled.

Setting Realistic Goals and Acting on Them

“Success is Goals,” the introduction to Brian Tracy’s second edition of Goals! 

It is a well-documented fact that those who set goals achieve more, greater happiness, greater relationships, greater health, and greater wealth. 

Brian Tracy is a world-renowned authority on self-improvement. He has given thousands of seminars and spoken all over the world. Again, in his introduction to Goals!, he writes, “If I were given only five minutes to speak to you and I could only convey one thought that would help you to be more successful, I would tell you this: ‘Write down your goals, make plans to achieve them, and work on your plans every single day.’ 

 You have most likely heard about S.M.A.R.T. goals before, but repetition can be good. Without clear-cut goals, you are wondering, like playing golf in the dark or hitting a baseball blindfolded.  

S.M.A.R.T. goals discuss five points that help you focus.  The good news is that you can update and reevaluate your goals as needed.  The five points for your goals are that your goals are specific to your desires, are measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound. 


Your goals need clarification.  How many, how much, what exact number, what exactly will you accomplish?


Much like being specific, what is your quantifiable goal? What data do you need to gather to determine how you will attain those numbers?


Your goals need to be realistic.  As some say, “Let’s get real!” You are enthusiastic and motivated to reach some goals.  Don’t squash your ambition by setting a lofty goal that is not achievable.  If genetics awarded you a height of 5’9”, setting a goal to become an All-Star Center in the NBA is probably not too achievable; thus, it is unrealistic. 


If your goals are business-related, do they coincide with your company’s mission and values?  In the same way, if your goals are personal, do they make sense to what you want to accomplish?  Be serious about your goals; it is not a frivolous activity.  


You need to set a deadline for your goal to be met and completed. This is important to measure your success.  Being time-bound allows you to evaluate your success and then set new goals to achieve.

Goal setting is a process that motivates and prepares you to become successful.  Set some goals!

Overcoming Challenges and Maintaining Integrity 

When you begin walking the talk, you’ll find that not everyone will agree.  Expect that, but do not waiver.  Here are five key activities to keep you on track, and you will find that you will win the admiration of all those in your circle of influence. 

  1. Stay Firm in Your Values: Commit to uphold your values regardless of your challenges. You have reasons behind your values and know their positive impact on your life and the lives of others.
  2. Surround Yourself with Supportive Individuals. Seek out like-minded individuals who share your values and integrity.  Also, seek mentors, friends, and colleagues who can provide guidance, support, and accountability.
  3. Practice Self-Awareness and Reflection.   Make it a consistent habit to reflect on your thoughts, emotional state, and actions to gain a deeper self-awareness.  Always be observant of yourself and others.  Are you being tempted to compromise your integrity?  How is your behavior?
  4. Develop a Strong Moral Compass.  Successful people always study and thus always learn.  Educate yourself on ethical principles and study real-life examples of those who exemplify superb integrity.
  5. Take Responsibility and Learn from Mistakes. Let’s face it: we all make mistakes.  We fall under pressure and have lapses in our values.  Accept responsibility and learn from them. Mistakes are opportunities for personal growth.  Commit to do better.

Maintaining integrity is an ongoing process requiring conscious effort and commitment. Implementing these strategies can help you navigate challenges with integrity, strengthen your character, and foster authenticity, trust, and personal growth in your workplace, friends, and family.

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Picture of Brad G. Philbrick
Brad G. Philbrick

A grant proposal writer of biotechnology and healthcare

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